Monday, February 23, 2009

It Finally happened

Well, after almost nine years of marriage, it finally happened.
I swore that I would not be "that wife."
I promised family and friends that I would not have "that house" with "that room".
I was gonna stand my ground!
But as strong as I thought I was, my love for my man over ruled!
Today, ladies and gentlemen, I submitted.
Yes, in my, Kyla Michelle Erwin Carpenter's, bonus room you will not see one but three dead deer heads hanging on the wall....... but I have to admit my man hung them with "flare"!Yes, you are seeing right! This little beauty has on reading glasses!

I love you Chris Carpenter.

Not just for who you are, but for making me the woman I am today.

I do believe that now I am what some would call, "a little bit red in the neck!"

Monday, February 16, 2009

A Tribute to Grammie

There are many things that remind me of my mother... Broadway musicals, popcorn at the movies, Andy Griffin, the love of gift giving, Carrol Burnette, emeralds, but I have to say that when I see powdered donuts being devowered by my two year old, I have to stop and send a shout out to Kendall!

I love you Mom. Thanks for making me smile even when you aren't in the room!

Anybody tired of possum stories yet?

I know I am...... but I love my husband and want him to get to share his trapping stories with the world!

Saturday morning, while Chris was in bed with pneumonia, I saw that he had trapped yet another possum. Poor thing, how was he going to get out with Jethro unable to get out of bed! Chris then tells me that I, the one who is NOT an outdoorswoman or even an animal lover for that matter, am going to set it free. As I am walking to the door to figure out how in the world this contraption works, Chris is behind me whizzing that he has to get this on film! Sorry I look like I just got out of bed....I did.

But, as you can see, Chris' patience for teaching me how to "untrap the trap" was not there, so I went a head and filmed him letting the little guy free!

Funny thing though, he was free to go but stayed there for hours. It was like the little guy was so worn out that he could only move an inch then fall asleep. Then wake up and do the same thing again!

But, I will tell you who does love these critters. My little Cameron LOVES to see the "kunks and the possems".

Cameron is now braver than her Mommy! Now, Binji the Jungle Girl was Crocilde Steve's daughter what could we call Cameron, daughter of the Skunk Trapper??

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Oh What a night!

Just Like Cinderella, Chloe got ready for the ball Friady night. Not saying that I am the fat fairy godmother, just that we got to curl hair, paint fingernails and put on make-up!!!
But, the funniest part about getting ready for the Father Daughter dance was Chloe "dressing" her date. She wanted him to wear the suit he wore when he married Mommy! Since we don't have the funds to actually rent a tux, Chloe settled on Daddy in a dark suit with a red tie. But, when he walked in with a brown belt she said, "oh no, Daddy!" The best quote of the night was while the two were looking over Daddy's wardrobe choices...
"Daddy this is not a baseball game, it is a dance!"

So, here are some adorable pics before they head off to the ball! Aren't they beautiful?
Here are the REAL two I know!

As you can see by the little head at the bottom of this pic,
Cami had a real hard time NOT getting pictures made.
So, I, of course, took some pics for her with Daddy too!

And off they go!

I was so proud of Chris! He took almost 100 pictures! Here are a few of my favorites:

Cassie and Mckenna are two of Chloe's buddies from her class.

Daddy spotted some friends too...... so they had to take a funny picture! And a real one too!

Here are the girls when Chris told them to act sassy. Seriously, arn't they 5 and 6????

And here is my girl getting down. I am so proud!

Daddy also some footage of the girls line dancing! (If you look in th e background, you will see some Daddies kickin' it too!) Of course Chloe is on the front row!

At 9:30 they rolled in and Chloe was still glowing! They had stopped for an ice cream and Chloe couldn't wait to show me all the pictures and get them ON THE BLOG!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Our Lil Shopper

Well, she comes by it honestly!

I was so glad Chris had the camera in the diaper bag when we were at Wal-Mart tonight. I look over and my TWO YEAR OLD is picking up a trainning bra and telling us how it "fis me boobies"!

But, then she carried the trainning bra to the purses and picked out....yes, she looked over all of the various purses in the girl section....a HSM purse. After throwing the purse on her shoulder, she found an abnoxious Dora hat that she must wear. And wear them she did, the whole way through the store! What a hoot!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Calling the Tooth Fairy!!!

Okay, so we didn't actually "loose" the teeth, but we have two baby teeth in a little tooth container complimentary of the dentist! Chloe had her two bottom teeth pulled as well as two cavities filled today. But, she is so pumped about the tooth fairy coming tonight, that she hasn't complained.
Now, let's talk about what teeth go for nowadays. We actatally have some friends who give $5.00 a tooth!!!! I asked Chris what he thought and he said maybe $2.00....I was thinking $1.00. I came home tonight and asked Chloe how much money she was going to get and she said, "maybe two quarters!" I smiled from the inside out!