Saturday, September 20, 2008

Accessorize with Undies

My sweet Cami saw Chris' underwear folded neatly on the bed awaiting their place in his drawers and this thought came to her mind:


"This would look fabulous as a scarf/hat"

"Here is The Hanes new Muslim line......"

"I must run and show all my friends!"

As I laughed and laughed at this little clown, I remembered another accessorizer in our home, just 3 years ago.....but this one got in MY underwear drawer!
"This could be the first fashion mosquito net!"
"Seriously, your neck would never get cold with 16 pairs of panties around it!"
"Mom, do these really say "hottie" on them????"

Things are never boring at the Carpenter house!!!!

1 comment:

Betty said... actually have 16 pairs of undies!!! Good for you!