Tuesday, November 11, 2008

He's Home!!!!!!!

It has been a long week without him...a long time to wait for my true love......but tonight my knight will come. While I lay asleep, smothered between two precious little girls, my prince will come to me in the night. He will awake me with kisses smelling of the rustic outdoors. His prickly non shaven face will lovingly rub my face raw like sandpaper....but I am patient. Patiently, I will........okay, that is all I can do with that. I tried to be all romantic and silly and all, but I just miss him and I cannot wait to see him. Neither can the girls!!!! We even did this before he got here..........

Hope it stays up until he gets here!!!!


Shawn said...

Missed you last night at dance!

Betty said...

How sweet!